I am using CNVnator to detect CNV. After the first step, I've got the error info as follows:
Parsing file tumor_sorted.bam ...
Assuming BAM file for tumor_sorted.bam
Allocating memory ...
Writing histograms ...
Total of 0 reads were placed.
My command line is:
/share/biosoft/apps/CNVnator_v0.2.7/src/cnvnator -genome /share/biosoft/Database/HG_19/hg19.fasta -root tumor_output.root -chrom chr1 chr19 -tree tumor_sorted.bam
I just want to see the CNV in Chr1 and Chr19 region, and I didn't use the whole hg19 as a reference to align the reads. I just use part of the genome to make our own reference sequence. So I wonder if this is the reason, since the software has indicated that the genome file had to be hg19,hg38,etc. So if this means that I must use hg19 as the reference sequence to align my reads to generate the bam file. I can't use the other reference generated by myself.
If anyone had come across this situation before, and how to fix this problem.
Thank you in advance.
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