1000 Genomes Ld Calculation
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14.4 years ago
Ryan D ★ 3.4k

Having no genotype data and only meta-analysis data to proceed on, we want to find all SNPs in linkage disequilibrium (LD) with a significant result from compiled GWAS. So if we have a dbSNP rs#, sweet tools like SNAP http://www.broadinstitute.org/mpg/snap/ldsearch.php can nail down all SNPs in Hapmap 2/3 that have some LD with such a SNP. Does a comparable tool or relatively simple means exist for doing this on 1000G data? Or am I in for a trip to the dentist?

genome linkage gwas • 42k views
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Interesting. I'm interested in if LD have been already computed by someone for these genomes at all? Would it be computationally feasible?

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I don't see that happening until the dataset is frozen, until no more individuals will be sequenced and added. Yes, I think it would be feasible.

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Thanks everyone. I signed up for the 1000G seminar at ASHG as well. I'm curious, Larry, what sort of format do you load the data into Haploview or HelixTree? We have the phased haplotypes. The Asian (CHB+JPT) dataset we're interested in as of the June 2010 freeze has 62 individuals in it so far. My colleague also indicates that he has downloaded ped files for PLINK from the MACH website. I have not tried it yet, but the link is here.

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Well, I wrote what we >would< do - we don't do this yet. And it is my colleagues you would be ones to run those data. I'll have to ask. Check back later...

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Some data exists on this LD. I ended up pulling data from files with code like this:

zcat ~/1000Genomes/2010-06/CEU/LD/xt/chr19.xt.gz | grep -w rs11671664 | awk '$4 > 0.5'

rs11670375 rs11671664 0.8961 0.5673 A,G
chr19:50848886 rs11671664 0.8990 0.7340 C,G
rs11083777 rs11671664 0.8990 0.7340 G,G
chr19:50851826 rs11671664 0.8899 0.7134 C,G
chr19:50852809 rs11671664 0.8990 0.7340 A,G
chr19:50853145 rs11671664 0.8990 0.7340 G,G
rs4375772 rs11671664 0.8899 0.7134 C,G
rs11671664 chr19:50865055 1.0000 0.6138 G,G
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Hi Ryan, where did you find the LD data on the 1000 genome site? Could you put the link to the file? Would help me big time. Thanks

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13.1 years ago
Ryan D ★ 3.4k

This has been answered elsewhere by now, but thanks to all who gave input: It requires downloading tabix and vcftools. Use tabix to download the relevant region from 1kG like so:

tabix -fh ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/release/20100804/ALL.2of4intersection.20100804.genotypes.vcf.gz 16:56995835-57017756 > genotypes.vcf

Now use vcftools to output the variants into PLINK format. TPED seems to work best for some versions.

./vcftools --vcf ~/genotypes.vcf --plink-tped --out plinkformat

Now use PLINK to convert to bed/bim/fam filetypes and run whatever LD tests you wish on those SNPs, such as:

plink --tped plinkformat.tped --tfam plinkformat.tfam --make-bed --out ~/delete
plink --bfile delete --ld rs961253 rs2423279
plink --bfile delete --r2 --ld-snp-list list.txt --ld-window-kb 1000 --ld-window 99999 --ld-window-r2 0 --out ld_results

Thanks to Stephen of Getting Genetics Done, and Michael for his comments below.

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Hi Michael, if you are getting that error, try this with vcftools instead:

./vcftools --vcf ~/genotypes.vcf --plink-tped --out plinkformat
plink --tped plinkformat.tped --tfam plinkformat.tfam --make-bed --out ~/delete

As for a specific pair of SNPs:

plink --bfile delete --ld rs961253 rs2423279
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With PLINK 1.9, vcftools step can be dropped, as plink can read vcf files as input. So it would be just 2 lines tabix to get the vcf file and then plink to get ld:

plink --vcf genotypes.vcf --ld rs34680782 rs711752
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Thanks for pointing this out with plink 1.9. I suppose it wasn't asked in the OPs question, but a way to get the classic "LD triangle" is to select a region of vcf with tabix and then run plink 1.9 with --r2 triangle (or --r2 square, then you can just plot a heatmap). 1000 genomes data also produces a pretty "sparse" corrleations with all snps included too, so maybe add --maf 0.01 or similar to filter very rare snps (--write-snplist will then tell you the list of variants that were used)

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cool, thanks a ton. +2 (unfortunately not possible)

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Ryan D. This was very useful. I made it into a simple script:

Linkage Disequilibrium Calculation

This is complete taken from Ryan D on biostar: http://www.biostars.org/p/2909/#16419

It takes a region in a format like "chr2:1234-3456". If an rs number is specified after the region, it will output the R^2 for every SNP in that region with the requested SNP; otherwise, it is all-vs-all.

It requires plink, vcftools, and tabix

Also requires toolshed for python which can be installed with:

sudo pip install toolshed


sudo easy_install toolshed

Call like:

python linkage.py chr11:1240203-1247497  > link.txt

and output looks like:

CHR_A   BP_A       SNP_A         CHR_B   BP_B     SNP_B         R2
11      1240338    rs2672792     11      1240338  rs2672792            1
11      1240338    rs2672792     11      1240381  rs112249530   0.00675058
11      1240338    rs2672792     11      1240435  rs115815572    0.0066929
11      1240338    rs2672792     11      1240439  rs146776493   0.00099445
11      1240338    rs2672792     11      1240485  rs72636989    0.0270542
11      1240338    rs2672792     11      1240533  rs189679987  3.71248e-05
11      1240338    rs2672792     11      1240626  rs192732186   0.00099445
11      1240338    rs2672792     11      1240628  rs185161871  5.51292e-05
11      1240338    rs2672792     11      1240713  rs150416385  0.000905582

where the final column is the R^2 value.

Linkage Blocks

with the output like that, we can calculate "blocks" in a simple way by finding an R2 value to seed a block and then a distance to search for more values. To do this, the command is:

python linkage-blocks.py muc5b-linkage.txt > blocks.bed

The parameters including distance to search, seed and number of SNPs required to be a valid region are all hard-coded in the script.

view raw README.md hosted with ❤ by GitHub
import os
import sys
from itertools import groupby
from toolshed import reader
from cpv.peaks import peaks
import tempfile
import atexit
import shutil
import operator
THRESH = 0.002
SEED = 0.03
DIST = 350
def temp():
tmp = tempfile.mktemp()
atexit.register(os.unlink, tmp)
return open(tmp, 'w')
def dist(snp):
return abs(int(snp['BP_B']) - int(snp['BP_A']))
fout = temp()
input = sys.argv[1]
for snp, snps in groupby(reader("|sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -k4,4 -k5,5n %s" % input), lambda row: (row['CHR_A'], row['BP_A'])):
tmp = temp()
for snp in snps:
if snp['SNP_A'] == snp['SNP_B']: continue
if dist(snp) > DIST: continue
line = [snp['CHR_B'], str(int(snp['BP_B']) - 1), snp['BP_B'], snp['R2']]
print >>tmp, "\t".join(line)
list(peaks(tmp.name, 3, THRESH, SEED, DIST, fout, operator.ge))
shutil.copyfile(fout.name, "/tmp/peaks.bed")
print "chrom\tstart\tend\tblock_size"
for toks in reader("|bedtools merge -i <(sort -k1,1 -k2,2n %s) -d %i -n -scores sum" %
(fout.name, DIST), header=False):
if int(toks[-1]) < 5: continue
print "\t".join(toks[:3] + [str(int(toks[2]) - int(toks[1]))])
from toolshed import nopen
import sys
import os
import glob
import tempfile
def main(args=sys.argv[1:]):
region = args[0].replace("chr", "")
chrom = "chr%s" % region.split(":")[0]
ld_snp = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None
vcf = pull_vcf(chrom, region)
plink = plink_convert(gen_plink(vcf))
for i, line in enumerate(open(gen_ld(vcf, plink, ld_snp))):
if i == 0: line = "#" + line.strip()
print "\t".join(line.strip().split())
for pf in glob.glob("%s.%s"):
def gen_ld(vcf, plink, ld_snp):
print >>sys.stderr, "calculating LD..."
out = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".ld.txt")
rs_list = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rs.txt")
seen = {}
with open(rs_list, "w") as fhrs:
j = 0
for toks in (line.rstrip().split("\t") for line in open(vcf)):
if toks[0][0] == "#": continue
if toks[2] in seen: continue
seen[toks[2]] = True
fhrs.write("%s\n" % toks[2])
j += 1
print >>sys.stderr, j, "SNPs"
cmd = "|plink --bfile %s --r2 --ld-window-kb 10000 --ld-window 99999 --ld-window-r2 0"
cmd += " --out %s "
if ld_snp is None:
cmd += " --inter-chr --ld-snp-list %s"
cmd %= (plink, out, rs_list)
cmd += "--ld-snp %s "
cmd %= (plink, out, ld_snp)
return out + ".ld"
def plink_convert(plink_in):
print >>sys.stderr, "converting to plink binary format ..."
plink_out = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".plink")
cmd = "|plink --tped %(plink_in)s.tped --tfam %(plink_in)s.tfam --make-bed --out %(plink_out)s"
cmd %= locals()
return plink_out
def gen_plink(vcf):
print >>sys.stderr, "converting to plink format with vcftools..."
plinkout = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".plink")
cmd = "|vcftools --vcf %s --plink-tped --out %s" % (vcf, plinkout)
return plinkout
def pull_vcf(chrom, region):
print >>sys.stderr, "downloading with tabix"
tmpvcf = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".vcf")
cmd = "|tabix -p vcf -h ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/release/20110521/ALL.%s.phase1_release_v3.20101123.snps_indels_svs.genotypes.vcf.gz %s > %s" \
% (chrom, region, tmpvcf)
return tmpvcf
if __name__ == "__main__":
view raw linkage.py hosted with ❤ by GitHub

If anyone uses it, let me know any modifications.

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Entering edit mode

Hi brentp, I tried to run your linkage-blocks.py script but I get the following error message:

 File "linkage-blocks.py", line 40
    print "chrom\tstart\tend\tblock_size"
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
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I'm using python < 3. Looks like you're using python > 3. I'm pretty sure cpv won't work on python3, so you'd have to try python 2.7.

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Hi Ryan, do know if that also will give me the r-squared values for snp pairs?

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When trying this, I get "ERROR: No file [ plinkformat.fam ] exists" in plink. Some step missing there?

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I tried this using a bed file of GWAS snps but I got the following error "ti_index_core] the indexes overlap or are out of bounds". I used hg19_gwas_snps.bed and hg19 1kg data ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/release/20110521/

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I tried 1st tabix command using a bed file of GWAS snps but I got the following error "ti_index_core] the indexes overlap or are out of bounds". I used hg19_gwas_snps.bed and hg19 1kg data ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/release/20110521/

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I've recently heard that as passing data from vcf to plink, phase information is lost... Is it true?

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VCFtools outputs alleles in the order that they are found in the VCF file, but PLINK doesn't preserve phase information. The phase will be lost the the order is preserved in the file. So in theory it could be recovered.

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So in order to keep it, should the "--keep-allele-order" option, isn't it?

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11.0 years ago
Leandro Lima ▴ 970

Just an update…

The LD data is available here https://statgen.sph.umich.edu/locuszoom/download/

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Thanks Leandro, great resource!

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14.4 years ago

Here is what we would do:

The minimum number of individuals that you need to calculate LD with confidence is 50 and they must be unrelated. Using data from 100 individuals would be much better, also unrelated. Our tool of choice is HelixTree from GoldenHelix. My colleague says that Haploview will also work. The input data are the variants; you don't need the invariant sequence. We would use a length of sequence from 200 to 500 kbp on either side of the region/gene of interest. Yes this is big, but until you calculate LD, you don't know how far it stretches from the variant(s) of interest.

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of course if you plan to study a particular region programs like HelixTree or Haploview will do, but if you want to have LD measures across the entire human genome there is no program yet (none that I am aware of) that can handle the large variation (~14M variants) covered by this project. but I definitely see that focusing in particular regions is, as a workaround, an intelligent approach.

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14.3 years ago
Mary 11k

Hey folks--I just wanted to add a couple of tidbits from the 1000G tutorial session at ASHG.

  1. The whole session was videotaped. It will eventually be available on genome.gov and 1000G site. I will keep an eye out for that and let you know. Their slide presentations will also be available.

  2. In Paul Flicek's session he showed LD data in the browser on the 1000G site, but his slide says that it is "Currently based on data from HapMap and Perlegen populations" and "Populations selectable from drop down tab". I haven't had a chance to look for this yet and I have my crappy road computer so I won't even bother right now.

  3. Someone specifically asked about LD on this data, and Paul answered that no LD tools exist right now for this. So I would say if you are going to wrestle with this it will definitely be toothache time.

PS: someone talked about having downloaded the variation files (?) on the day the paper was released, and that it seemed to be a subset. But they said in the session that a new file had gone up at 2pm the afternoon of that session and it was MUCH bigger--so if you haven't looked recently you might want to check out the files again. There were also supposedly changes to the browser that day as well.

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13.4 years ago
Brian Shirts ▴ 50

If you look up a single SNP in the Ensembl genome browser, there is a linkage disequilibrium tab on the left. 3 of the populations listed are from 1000 genomes pilot data. I am not sure what the inner workings are so if anyone can clarify what Ensembl is posting that would be great, but the few LD calculations I have checked appear correct. Even for SNPs not in Hapmap. Ensembl is the best tool for this I have seen so far.

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11.7 years ago
Michael 55k

Here is a Makefile.in which I used to generate LD data from 1kG phase1 data. It can do everything from downloading the vcf files to calculation LD using Intersnp or Plink. Some perl scripts and binaries are missing, but that should serve as an example at least. One can use make -j 8 to run the processes in parallel, but make download should have run first.

#DIR=`basename $(PWD)`
#tabix -fh $ftpurl > genotypes.vcf

intersnp : intersnpoutputhapfile.txt

plink : plinkoutput.ld

download : genotypes.vcf

panel :
        grep -e$(POPULATION) ../phase1_integrated_calls.20101123.ALL.panel | cut -f1 > panel

genotypes.vcf :
        wget -c $(ftpurl1)`basename $(CURDIR)`$(ftpurl2) -O genotypes.vcf.gz
        gunzip genotypes.vcf.gz

genotypes.subset.vcf : genotypes.vcf panel
        vcf-cut.pl -c panel genotypes.vcf > genotypes.subset.vcf 

plinkformat.tfam plinkformat.tped : genotypes.subset.vcf
        vcftools --vcf genotypes.subset.vcf --plink-tped --out plinkformat

plinkBEDformat.bed plinkBEDformat.fam : plinkformat.tfam 
        plink --tfile plinkformat --make-bed --out plinkBEDformat --noweb --maf 0.002 --hwe 0.001
        mv plinkBEDformat.fam plinkBEDformat.fam.tmp
        cat plinkBEDformat.fam.tmp | sed 's/-9/1/g' > plinkBEDformat.fam

intersnpoutputhapfile.txt : plinkBEDformat.bed
        time intersnp sfile.txt

hapmapFormat.txt : intersnpoutputhapfile.txt
        reformatIntersnpVcf.pl -v genotypes.subset.vcf -p EUR intersnpoutputhapfile.txt > hapmapFormat.txt

plinkoutput.ld : plinkBEDformat.bed
        time plink --bfile plinkBEDformat  --ld-window-kb 1000 --ld-window 99999  --out plinkoutput --noweb 

clean :
        -$(RM) panel plinkformat.* plinkBEDformat.* genotypes.subset.vcf*  intersnpoutput* plinkoutput*

realclean : clean
        -$(RM) genotypes.vcf*

Here is the root Makefile, run make setup to create subdirectories:

SUBDIRS = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 X Y

        for i in $(SUBDIRS); \
        do \
                echo ========= preparing $$i ; \
                (mkdir -p $$i ; cp -v ./Makefile.in $$i/Makefile ; cp -v ./sfile.txt $$i/sfile.txt ) ; \

        $(MAKE) -C $@ $(MAKECMDGOALS)

all clean intersnp hapmapFormat.txt download plink realclean: $(SUBDIRS)

#       for i in $(SUBDIRS); \
#        do \
#                echo ========= Making in $$i ; \
#                (cd $$i ; $(MAKE) -$(MAKEFLAGS) $@ ) ; \
#        done
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14.4 years ago

as far as I know, there are no tools yet working on 1000 Genomes data that deal with LD. the official browser allows only browsing the data, but the kind of information we are used to by HapMap is not yet present, although I do not doubt that they will soon provide it.

we were in a similar situation months ago, and we had in fact to adapt our own tool for browsing population statistics SPSmart in order to accept data from 1000 Genomes, and therefore to extract allele frequencies and Fst values from their pilot datasets. I guess you should start preparing your teeth...

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11.1 years ago
Floris Brenk ★ 1.0k

Hello, I'm liking all the methods mentioned here, but still it is not as user friendly for non bioinformaticians as the SNAP tool. I'm still looking for some program/script where I can just paste a list of SNPs (500+) and get all the european population SNPs r2 >0.8 as output... Hope someone can help me out!

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If you have PLINK-format 1000g files, you can use

plink --bfile [1000g fileset prefix] --keep [list of EUR samples] --r2 --inter-chr --ld-snp-list [file with list of SNP IDs] --ld-window-r2 0.8

(If you do not have them, they will be posted online within a few months.)

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hmmm ok so this would do the trick you reckon?

vcftools --vcf chr22.phase1_release_v3.20101123.snps_indels_svs.genotypes.refpanel.EUR.vcf --out TRY_OUT.plink --plink

> VCFtools - v0.1.7 (C) Adam Auton 2009
> Parameters as interpreted:     --vcf
> chr22.phase1_release_v3.20101123.snps_indels_svs.genotypes.refpanel.EUR.vcf
>     --out TRY_OUT.plink     --plink
> VCF index is older than VCF file. Will regenerate. Building new index
> file.     Scanning Chromosome: 22     Warning - file contains entries with
> the same position. This is not supported by vcftools, and may cause
> unexpected behaviour.
> Writing Index file. File contains 232005 entries and 379 individuals.
> Applying Required Filters. After filtering, kept 379 out of 379
> Individuals After filtering, kept 232005 out of a possible 232005
> Sites Writing PLINK PED file ...  Writing PLINK MAP file ... Done. Run
> Time = 28.00 seconds

plink --file TRY_OUT.plink --r2 --inter-chr --ld-snp-list chr22snp.txt --ld-window-r2 0.8 --out TRY_chr22_LD_r08 --noweb

|        PLINK!       |     v1.07      |   10/Aug/2009     |
|  (C) 2009 Shaun Purcell, GNU General Public License, v2  |
|  For documentation, citation & bug-report instructions:  |
|        http://pngu.mgh.harvard.edu/purcell/plink/        |

Skipping web check... [ --noweb ] 
Writing this text to log file [ TRY_chr22_LD_r08.log ]
Analysis started: Thu Jan 16 15:19:43 2014

Options in effect:
    --file TRY_OUT.plink
    --ld-snp-list chr22snp.txt
    --ld-window-r2 0.8
    --out TRY_chr22_LD_r08

232005 (of 232005) markers to be included from [ TRY_OUT.plink.map ]
Warning, found 379 individuals with ambiguous sex codes
These individuals will be set to missing ( or use --allow-no-sex )
Writing list of these individuals to [ TRY_chr22_LD_r08.nosex ]
379 individuals read from [ TRY_OUT.plink.ped ] 
0 individuals with nonmissing phenotypes
Assuming a disease phenotype (1=unaff, 2=aff, 0=miss)
Missing phenotype value is also -9
0 cases, 0 controls and 379 missing
0 males, 0 females, and 379 of unspecified sex
Before frequency and genotyping pruning, there are 232005 SNPs
379 founders and 0 non-founders found
Total genotyping rate in remaining individuals is 1
0 SNPs failed missingness test ( GENO > 1 )
0 SNPs failed frequency test ( MAF < 0 )
After frequency and genotyping pruning, there are 232005 SNPs
After filtering, 0 cases, 0 controls and 379 missing
After filtering, 0 males, 0 females, and 379 of unspecified sex
Writing LD statistics to [ TRY_chr22_LD_r08.ld ] 

Analysis finished: Thu Jan 16 15:21:03 2014
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14.4 years ago
Mary 11k

FYI: if anyone is going to ASHG there's a tutorial on 1000 Genomes data usage. Daniel MacArthur gets the hat tip for this:

RT @dgmacarthur: Attending #ASHG2010 and interested in using data from the 1000 Genomes Project? Sign up here: http://bit.ly/9X29xC

I've registered for it if anyone wants to introduce themselves there.

Entering edit mode

Hopefully, I will be @ ASHG too. I've registered but bureaucratic snafus may not actually allow me to go


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