Hi I'm using Platypus for variant calling, but I'm having a hard time understanding the INFO header, most of which I cannot find in VCFv4.1 - ultimately what I'm trying to extract is DP and AF, however the header just does not make any sense to me nor can I find it in google. For example from the header can someone tell me how to extract DP and AD ( read count by allele)?
GT:GL:GOF:GQ:NR:NV 0/1:-71.58,0.0,-5.98:1:60:22:19
thanks in advance!
Can you paste the VCF header? Remove the '##' if you can.
@Kevin Blighe: yes thank you I'm still new to handling VCF files and your question was enough to answer my question since the header already contained the info I needed which was defining what each of those mean. For allele frequency I think this would be TR / TC since the header reads
Yes, from that, I assume that the total read depth (DP) is equivalent to TC. I would then hope that TC were equivalent to NF+NR (?).
Finally, AF should be TR / TC, as you also mentioned.
yes its good to check, I think you mean NF + NR = TR ; thanks again, super helpful.