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7.1 years ago
I recently analyzed my RNA-Seq data followed by STAR-HTSeqCount-DESeq2 method and want to run these on GSEA to find correlation with certain pathways. But for the input, should I prerank the genes based on Log2FC or log(p-value) * sign_of_FC. If use the later case, how should I choose the parameter of GSEA? And in all these ranking process, should i use 0.01 as cutoff for p-adj (FDR) to cut off other genes.
THANKS! But I didnt understand about the p-adj part. Shouldnt i use any cutoff for p-adj to filter out some genes?
Below mentioned is the description from DESeq2 Vignette for p-values in case for p-adj :
If use basemean to filter out genes, do you know what cutoff i should use to filter out? Also, my baseMean between two biologcial replicates are very high but not the log2foldchange or p-val. So should I use baseMean for GSEA analysis? Thanks!