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6.9 years ago
Hello all, I am using Ensembl VEP for annotating my vcf file with the following commands:
> perl variant_effect_predictor.pl --species homo_sapiens --assembly GRCh37 --offline --no_progress --no_stats --sift b --ccds --uniprot --hgvs --symbol --numbers --domains --gene_phenotype --canonical --protein --biotype --uniprot --tsl --pubmed --variant_class --shift_hgvs 1 --check_existing --total_length --allele_number --no_escape --xref_refseq --failed 1 --vcf --minimal --flag_pick_allele --pick_order canonical,tsl,biotype,rank,ccds,length --dir $VEP_DATA --fasta $VEP_DATA/homo_sapiens/86_GRCh37/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz --input_file sample.vcf --output_file sample.vep.vcf --polyphen b --gmaf --maf_1kg --maf_esp --regulatory --custom ExAC_nonTCGA.r0.3.1.sites.vep.vcf.gz,ExAC,vcf,exact,1,AC,AN
and then converting it to maf file by:
> perl vcf2maf.pl --vep-path /home/explore/vep/ --vep-data /home/explore/.vep/ --ref-fasta /home/explore/.vep/homo_sapiens/86_GRCh37/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz --input-vcf sample.vcf --tumor-id Human --output-maf /sample.vep.maf
I specifically get these 3 columns blank:
t_depth t_ref_count t_alt_count
If anyone can tell what am I missing?? Thank you!
EDIT: It is solved, by changing the file type.
@Emily_Ensembl can you please have a look