I have two tab delimited files. Each has two columns, one for chromosome and one for variant co-ordinate. I want to identify the number of positions in file2 that are within a specified window range of the positions in file1, and then check in the next window, and the next and so forth.
So if this is the first row from file 1:
1 10500
And this is from file 2:
1 10177
1 10352
1 10616
1 11008
1 11012
1 13110
1 13116
1 13118
1 13273
1 13550
2 10700
2 12321
2 34234
If the window is of size 1000, the following co-ordinates from file 2 fall within this window:
1 10177
1 10352
1 10616
The second window should then be 2000 in size and therefore these co-ordinates fall within this window:
1 10177
1 10352
1 10616
1 11008
1 11012
What I want to do is find the mean number of variants in each window. So for each variant in file 1, calculate the number of variants in a 1kb window, and then calculate the mean. I then want to do this for the larger 2kb window and so on and so forth to a specified window size (e.g. 100kb).
I have tried writing a python function to do this and then looping through the windows. The issue is that file1 has 11609 variants, and file2 has 13758644 so this is proving extremely time consuming.
I was wondering if anyone knows of any better way of doing this?
Below are my python functions. It is a bit long:
#Function counts number of variants in a window of specified size around a specified
#genomic position. nsPos is the variant position from file1, df is the dataframe of file2.
def vCount(nsPos, df, windowSize):
#If the window minimum is below 0, set to 0
if(nsPos - (windowSize/2) < 0):
low = 0
low = nsPos - (windowSize/2)
high = high = nsPos + (windowSize/2)
#calculate the length (i.e. the number) of variants in the subsetted data.
diversity = len(df[(df['POS'] >= low) & (df['POS'] <= high)])
#Function to apply vCount function across the entire positional column of df.
#NSdf is the dataframe of file1, variantsDF is dataframe from file2.
def windowAvg(NSdf, variantsDF, window):
x=NSdf.POS.apply(vCount, df=variantsDF, windowSize=window)
I then run this second function through a nested loop to produce a plot:
def loopNplot(NSdf, variantsDF, window):
#store window number
windows = list(range(1,101))
#store diversity (the mean number of variants)
diversity = []
#Loop through windows appending to the list.
for i in range(window, 101000, window):
#Create a list to hold counts for each chromosome (which we then take the mean of)
tempList = []
#Loop through chromosomes
for j in NSdf['CHROM']:
#Subset file1 and file2 dfs for only the relevant chromosome.
subDF = vtable.loc[(vtable['CHROM'] == j)].copy()
#Subset all variants
subVar = all_variants.loc[(all_variants['CHROM'] == j)].copy()
#run function
x = windowAvg(subDF, subVar, i)
#convert series to list
x = x.tolist()
#extend templist to include x
#Append mean of tempList - counts of diversity - to list.
#Copy diversity
divCopy = list(diversity)
#Add a new first index of 0
diversity = [0] + diversity
#Remove last index
diversity = diversity[:-1]
#x - diversity to give number of variants in each window
div = list(map(operator.sub, divCopy, diversity))
plt.scatter(windows, div)
@Pierre's VarintsInWindow tool.
thanks, but it only works with vcf :-)
your final aim is to produce a plot isn't it ? what is this plot ? (x and y axis ?)
Yes, sorry I didn't make this very clear.I want to plot window number on the x axis and div (the mean number of variants) on the y axis.
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