Hello Everyone,
Im currently facing some problems with exonerate(and tried version 2.2 and 2.4), using the next code:
exonerate --model est2genome --softmasktarget yes --bestn 1 --minintron 20 --maxintron 20000 --bigseq yes --query Long_isoform_CDNA.fasta --showvulgar no --target DvirgenomeMasked.fa.out --showalignment no --showtargetgff yes --verbose 0 > AnnoDvir_clean_percent.gff
Persons who have used this program, How do you overcome the slowness problem? I have also see that when i do not used the "--bestn" command wich gives the best aligned secuence the code runs perfeclty.
Hope you can help me with that Thanks Greetings
How did you install the versions of Exonerate you used?
Following the user guide, ./configure, make, make installl, Do you have an idea about making the programing runnning faster?
Hi I havent find an answer yet
Did you check that you're not running out of memory ? --bestn is supposed to speed up exonerate. However, you're using quite a high value for it which may make exonerate work more than needed. Since --model est2genome uses essentially a Smith-Waterman alignment algorithm, --bestn 70 probably forces exonerate to run this for quite a lot of sequences. If the problem is due to the --bestn option then you may be better off not using it and then post processing the output. Also look at the section on 'Strategies for speed' in the man pages.
Oh, Thank you very much for you answer i use --bestn 1 i dont know what i put it that way on my question, Does you answer still the same? Im trying to map cDNA from Drosophila virilis to the Drosophila melanogaster genome, this with the goal to obtain an anotation for both species... for rna seq analyses. Im open to suggestions.