I would like to get Fisher's exact Test, FDR value for certain selected genes. But later i understood that can be done only if we have expression data along with GO number. But in one article they did without any expression data. I am confused, really is it possible to carry gene enrichment analysis for some recombinant genes of bacterial gene. If possible how to do. Please explain me.
Thank you
Are you looking for Blast2GO ?
"Blast2GO offers the possibility of direct statistical analysis on gene function information. A common analysis is the statistical assessment of GO term enrichment in a group of interesting genes when compared to a reference group i.e. to asses the functional differences between two sets of functional annotations (e.g. GO function of two groups of genes). This analysis is typically performed by a Fisher's Exact Test in combination with a robust False Discovery Rate (FDR) correction for multiple testing." Source: https://biobam.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BFCD/pages/5668926/Fisher+s+Exact+Test+Enrichment+Analysis
I am using blast2go to get GO numbers. When I am doing Fisher's exact test it was saying no result. Then I read about topGO and GOstats packages from R. So, I asked here. Now, I understood we need two gene sets for enrichment analysis. One acts as universe.
Thank you