Hi everyone
Do you know what is the best PPI network data base for human? I have some genes that we doubt they are related to tumor, but we need to do some more investigations? I use Biogrid, wonder if everyone uses anything else?
Hi everyone
Do you know what is the best PPI network data base for human? I have some genes that we doubt they are related to tumor, but we need to do some more investigations? I use Biogrid, wonder if everyone uses anything else?
How about STRING: functional protein association networks, which appears to be quite popular recently.
It allows you to work with your own data.
For physical protein-protein interactions, I recommend working with aggregated data such as iRef index (or compiling such an aggregated data set yourself if you need something more up-to-date) as this is more exhaustive. For functional association, you can combine different types of data as for example done by GeneMANIA. For an introduction on how this works, have a look at my paper here.
I think these articles can be very useful for you to begin to better understand how to build your networks:
Best regards,
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thank you so much. so people usually use a prediction db rather than a primary database from literature? I am validating my thoughts with what people do, I am a newbie :)
Well, one can build what's called a co-expression network, which is essentially just representing correlations between your genes or proteins. In this way, for example, one can remove edges hat fall below a certain correlation threshold (like absolute Pearson r < 0.8). In this regard, I posted a tutorial here: Network plot from expression data in R using igraph
One can also use information from online databases and published literature, which is STRING's default mode of functioning.
STRING contains multiple types of interactions including physical interactions.
Thanks Kevin and Jean-Karim.