Hi friends,
I have trio exome sequencing data with me. In order to know the coverage for trio samples. I used qualimap tool. Why is the mean coverage very low only 5.3X. Generally, exome sequencing have 80-100X coverage right. I didn't provide the reference file for the tool. Do I need to provide the Illumina's target region bed file?
- This is the command I used
qualimap bamqc -bam sample1.bam -nt 8 sample1.bamqc -outformat PDF --java-mem-size=4G
- Output:
Reference size: 3,137,161,264 bp
Number of contigs: 93
Number of reads: 131,279,965
Mapped reads: 131,082,678 (99.85%)
Unmapped reads: 197,287 (0.15%)
Duplication rate: 57.68%
Mean Insert size: 188
Chromosome stats:
It depends on your question. If you want to know how well the capture worked, then you should use the regions that are designed to be captured. If you want to see if specific genes are captured, then you should use a BED file for those genes (just be careful to not include introns).
Hi guys,
I have a query, if I have a low-pass sequenced whole genome data. Should I need to give UCSC bed file or no need of it?
I downloaded the exome interval file from the sequencing kit website. After using the exome interval file, the mean coverage is 224X.
">>>>>>>" Coverage