Hi everybody,
I was wondering if there is any way to convert BSgenome object to GRange.
I'm using library(BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3)
and I want a GR object like this:
FBgn0000003 chr3R [ 2648220, 2648518] + | FBgn0000003
FBgn0000008 chr2R [18024494, 18060346] + | FBgn0000008
Any function for doing that? Thanks!
I understand what you say. My concern is if there is an easy option to construct a GRange (ranges and strand) object using the complete Dmelanogaster genome, let's say something like that, in a fast way:
BSgenome objects have no concept of genes, so that sort of information isn't there.
That exactly what I was looking for! Thanks!
A slightly quicker way:
Super quick! Thanks very much!!
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