i am downloading the reference sequence for all the species within a given taxon with the command:
esearch -db "nucleotide" -query "txidX[Organism] AND refseq[filter]"|efetch -format fasta > genome.fa
this is supposed to be a chromosome to align my reading against. But how can I visualize the alignment against this reference for instance with IGB if I don't have the annotations files such as GFF? Essentially, the question is: is it possible to create an annotation file from a multifasta file?
Thank you
Can you post an example accession number? NCBI has annotation files available for many of the refseq genomes.
I have for instance all the viruses with
I was going to suggest the same thing as @Sej. Take a look at this page for utilities to download and convert the genbank data. Also this: Genbank To Gtf Converter