For a single paired end read the script is
hisat2 -x /path/to/hg19/indices -1 sample_1.fq.gz -2 sample_2.fq.gz | samtools view -Sbo sample.bam -
Our queue is full so I'm not able to test this but is it possible to allign multiple paired end reads in one go and how would I go about it?
Probably your sample_1.fq.gz and sample_2.fq.gzfiles already contain multiple reads inside. I guess you want to align multiple files, right?
But do you want the output in a single file, or multiple files as output? For the former, you can pass a comma-separated list of files to hisat2 (see -1 and -2 on hisat2 manual). For the later, there are several option, such as a bash loop, using Parallel, a make script, job arrays (if your queue is managed with SLURM / Torque / SGE), among others options.
Thank you for the help. I'll be trying to do the latter.