is a tools extracting splitter or discordant reads from a BAM or CRAM file. It's output can be used by lumy-sv to dected structural variant.
I'm trying to adapt it for my need. But I don't understand the lines 56 to 63 where it looks for spliced reads:
if (mno(*left, *right) < opts.min_non_overlap)
if (should_check(*left, *right)) {
if ((abs(insert_size(*left, *right)) < opts.min_indel_size)
|| ((desert(*left, *right) > 0)
&& (desert(*left, *right) - (int) std::max(0, insert_size(*left, *right))) > opts.max_unmapped_bases)) {
The code is inspired from samblaster (SAM version)
As far as I understand, the current read is checked to it's supplementary alignements ("SA:Z:" tag). if the read and its suppl align have the same contig and the same strand then things(?) are checked. The code is a mix of variables with (un)clipped/start/end but I don't understand the real meaning of the code.
If the master does not understand the code then do others have a chance :-)
Dare I suggest creating an issue on GitHub in case this person does not use Biostars.
I'm not a master, but I'm too lazy to try to understand :-)
Spoken like a true programmer.
@genomax : posted here: