Hello everybody,
I am trying to parse CSQ and AND fields from a VCF using PERL. The line describing the fields looks like
and the line with the information looks like
when i use a split command to build a @info_csq ad @values_csq files i get a different number of element in both arrays
Can anyone tell me how to correlate the field header and its value ? i just tried to do it with the Vcf.pm library, but it sems not possible
that is perfect, thanks, anyway your script do not parse the csq field, where i have the problem between the different number of fields and headaers
it does
i did not saw it, thanks
i finally have managed with the csq field, thanks
Hi, I am running into the same problem of parsing the CSQ field, I was wondering how you solved it? It'd be a huge help, thanks!
it can be done by two steeps
first, i parsed the info csq field to keep the "headers" in an array, let's call it @CSQheaders
the second steps is parsing the data field ($datafield), this field must be processed in a two nested loops (in Perl a foreach loop and a for loop, I don't know your favorite language).
the final structure will look like:
i hope i could explain clearly enough. If you have any question just ask