# edgeR
# following are my paired samples (column Patient) with other three columns
Sample Groups Patient Groups1
a baseline a B
b baseline b B
c baseline c B
d treated a BF
e treated b BF
f treated c BF
g baseline d B
h baseline e B
i baseline f B
j treated d BF
k treated e BF
l treated f BF
m baseline g C
n baseline h C
o baseline i C
p treated g CF
q treated h CF
r treated i CF
s control NA control
t control NA control
u control NA control
Given above is the experimental design of my dataset after running the command of edgeR up to :
lcpm <- cpm(y2, log=TRUE)
boxplot(lcpm, las=2, col=group$Sample, main="")
title(main="B. Example: Normalised data",ylab="Log-cpm")
I created following design matrix to find out a) disease marker and b) treatment response marker miRNAs
design<-model.matrix(~0+group$Groups1) #based B, BF, C, CF, control
#DISEASE MARKER; DM=control-B-C # substraction of B and C are diseae stage from control
#TREATMENT RESPONSE TR=NC-BF-CF # substraction of BF and CF are diseae stage after treatment from control
#DM is disease marker which is comparision between patient B, C, and control (without treatment)
#TR is treatment response marker wihch is comparision between patients B after treatment, patients c after treatment and #control (without treatment)
contr.matrix<-makeContrasts(DM=control-B-C, TR=control-BF-CF, levels=colnames(design))
QUESTION: Is the data matrix created above is correct or not ?
The main idea behind is to find DE miRNAs in diseased and DE miRNAs after treatment. This will give those miRNAs that are DE due to treatment so that I can conclude the list of miRNAs that responded to treatment. Is this approach correct ? any suggestions will be highly appreciated ? how to create DE venn diagram using edgeR command
I've tidied up this question as best I can, but I'm not a miracle worker. This is a forum for scientists, please at least attempt to write with correct punctuation (e.g., start your sentences with capital letters) and ensure that the resulting post look intelligible. You'll get more rapid and better replies that way.