In R, I have a phylogenetic tree like this, with a polytomy at the root:
t1 = read.tree(text="[&R] (1:1.250,2:1.250,(3:0.750,(4:0.500,5:0.500):0.250):0.500);")
But it is treated as unrooted:
> is.rooted(t1)
How can I force it to be rooted at the polytomy?
What exactly do you want to do with this if you force to to be rooted? One option is to randomly resolve the polytomy, but that is dangerous if you're doing further downstream analysis?
I want to compare this tree with an alternative (in this example, strictly bifurcating) tree, as (1:0.833,(2:0.225,(3:0.209,(4:0.114,5:0.114):0.095):0.016):0.608);, and calculate distance metrics between them. This is not strictly defined for some common stats, such as the Robinson-Foulds distance, but is for e.g. the Kendall-Colijn metric (treeDist from the treescape package)