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7.1 years ago
hi all, i downloaded a bam file from 1000 genomes
then i converted this to fastq using
sudo java -jar algorithms/picard/picard.jar SamToFastq VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT I=data/HG100.bam FASTQ=data/HG100.1.fastq SECOND_END_FASTQ=data/HG100.2.fastq UNPAIRED_FASTQ=data/HG100.unpaired.fastq
I have hg38 fasta and all associated indices from
next i would like to align my fastq to hg38, the command i use is as follows
sudo ./algorithms/bwa-align/bwa mem -M references/hg38.fasta data/HG100.1.fastq data/HG100.2.fastq > data/HG100.aligned.reads.sam
PROBLEM: i am getting a segmentation fault error when i use the hg38 from GATK HG38 bundle. HOWEVER, the above works fine when I use the hg38 from UCSC.
any ideas why i am unable to use the GATK version?
thanks in advance.
please , don't
ok, wont. will change
what's the exact error message?
core dumped. segmentation fault.
turns out the reference fasta file was corrupt for some reason.
Be aware it is recommended to shuffle the bam file previous to converting from bam to fastq.