Hello all, I'd like to modify my vcfs to contain several info only. There are "GT:AD:DP:FT:GQ:PL:PP" in format column, but I want to include "GT,DP,GQ" only.
I ran "--extract-FORMAT-info" of vcftools, but the result file is not vcf format. What I want to have finally, is vcf file with "GT,DP,GQ" fields only.
Does anyone know how to handle this? Thanks.
Have you tried AWK aleady?
Actually I extracted these fields with python. But when I tried to analyze this file using rare variant association tool like pseq, vtools, and rvtest, something is not working properly.
I wonder it there are validated tools to extract, not with linux or python.
Can you please provide a line having GT:AD:DP:FT:GQ:PL:PP from the vcf file?
Thanks, but I am looking for tools to handle this.
you can use bcftools annotate to keep/remove FORMAT fields