Hi All,
After installing kraken am trying to build the database as specified in the manaul but getting the following messages. Any inputs on this??
/Tools/kraken-master/KRAKEN$ ./kraken-build --standard --threads 40 --db /home/karthic/Databases/KRAKEN
Found jellyfish v1.1.11
Step 1/3: performing rsync dry run...
Rsync dry run complete, removing any non-existent files from manifest.
Step 2/3: Performing rsync file transfer of requested files
rsync: failed to connect to ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov ( Connection timed out (110)
rsync: failed to connect to ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov (2607:f220:41e:250::7): Network is unreachable (101)
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(128) [Receiver=3.1.1]
rsync_from_ncbi.pl: rsync error, exited with code 10
Thanks in Advance, KK
You are probably behind a firewall/proxy and kraken is not able to reach NCBI via rsync. If that is the case you may want to talk with your local sys admins. There are solutions but they will depend on your local setup.
Are you able to download anything from the NCBI ftp server using
?yes i could do with wget
I was hitting the same rsync error. The way I got around it was to change the rsync_from_ncbi.pl script to use wget instead. I changed line 70 from:
if (system("rsync --no-motd --files-from=manifest.txt rsync://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/ .") != 0) {
if (system("wget -nc -nH -x --cut-dirs=1 -i manifest.txt -B ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/ .") != 0) {
It worked okay once I managed to get wget to behave in the the same way as the rsync command. I don't know how it will affect database updates. I was creating a new one when I ran into this error. Good Luck!
Worked for me, thanks!
Thanks, it works for me too. However, if the download was suspended, it will download the existing files wholly, it cannot resume from break point. the "-nc" flag didn't work ?