I wanted to download WXS somatic mutation file (VCF format) from GDC data portal vcf file in gdc portal. With the vcf file I would like to do the Snpeff annotation.
How to get all the samples mutational data in a single vcf file?
In an other way I tried getting the mutational data from xena browser which is a txt file. But the file is not working for Snpeff annotation. Snpeff needs a vcf file for annotation. Is there a way to convert a normal txt or csv file into vcf?
I also tried getting mutational data using "TCGAbiolinks" R package TCGAbiolinks mutational data. From this I'm able to get only "maf" file. Is there a way to convert maf file to vcf format so that it can be used for Snpeff annotation.
Any help would be appreciated.
For mutation data in the TCGA, only the MAF files are open access. If you want to obtain the VCF files, you will have to request the controlled / restricted access to the TCGA.
Yes, Thank you. What if I download the maf files using "TCGAbiolinks" and Is there a way to convert maf file to vcf format?
Yes, please refer to Cyriac at MSKCC: Tool or Script to convert MAF file to VCF ?
Thank you. BTW from "Xena browser" I got the tsv file mutational data tsv file. Any idea how to convert tsv to vcf?
Without looking, I imagine that this TSV file is similar to the MAF format, with a few columns removed, possibly. The MAF format is a tab-separated file.
I would recommend you to download the MAF file from the GDC and then try to convert to VCF with Cyriac's function
Sure. Thank you very much !!