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6.9 years ago
Hello everyone,
I am working with a plant fungi of which I have a DNA sequence. I am trying to make primers for some differentially expressed genes for which I need to know exon-exon junctions. Is there any way I can know the exon intron information of genes I am interested in so that I can easily design the primers.
Many thanks in advance,
Have you checked to see if there is a gene annotation file available? You should be able to figure the junctions out from that.
Genomax, I have a gtf file from augustus. But I am not sure how can I infer information out of that. Can you please tell me if thats the file I need and how can I interpret that file
Does the GTF file have entries for
exons (and perhaps introns)
?It has CDS instead of exons
Those 4 are exons of that one gene transcript (
) so presumably there are more than one transcript for each gene (g17308
)?So these numbers represent the starting and ending position of sequence which are exons. I tried to search for this gene in the file and I just have one transcript (g17308.t1) . So can I say this gene have 4 exons?
If that is all blocks then yes. Check what the number following the strand signifies in specifications. I don't recollect off the top of my head.
The format looks like this