Hi, I'am looking for an open source grafical user interface for filtering annotated variant. My principal constrain is that i have lots of variants. I need this software to be open source to add specific feature that we want. If you have some name or idea it will be very appreciated
IMHO, your real problem is the GUI itself. A command-line is always better for this task.
Agreed. But a GUI may be preferable if Aurélien Béliard needs to give "non-command-line users" the ability to do some of the exploration themselves.
Pierre Lindenbaum the aim of this project is to allow our biologist user to filter and maybe annotate there variant themselve. We already have a software but he is very slow. i have found Varapp https://varapp-demo.vital-it.ch/docs/index.html varaft http://varaft.eu/ and some other but they seem to be limited in terme of variant number.