Hi All,
I have some ddRADseq data from a diploid organism I'm working on.
I've generated an unphased VCF file using freebayes that I wanted to convert into PED file. I was wondering how does VCF to PED conversion deal with unphased VCF data? Because when I further converted PED to FASTA, each of the sample had two reads, and the two reads for each sample were different. So how does the conversion program distinguish two alleles at a heterozygous site for each read?
Hope my question makes sense. Any answers or comments will be appreciated!
Thanks, Kevin! Yes, that's exactly what I was asking. Really appreciated your kind reply! Just a follow up question, do you know how I can convert phased vcf file to plink ped format with the phasing information incorporated?
Thank you!
I'm not sure that phasing information is ever taken into account in PLINK. The person who will know is chrchang523
If you take a look here: https://www.cog-genomics.org/plink/1.9/input#vcf
It says that phasing information is "discarded" ...
Thank you, Kevin! Really appreciated it!