After normalisation of a variants vcf by using Vt normalizer
Input - only one vcf file; hg38.fa (ref) The stats I got total no .of biallelic normalized - 3286 total no. of multiallelic normalized - 10 total no. of variants normalized - 3296 total no. of variants observed - 1934627
Can u give me detail explanation of biallelic and multiallelic means ?
Thanks! for example Ref - ATG
ALT- CGT is it called multiallelic ?
Is it possible to see bi and multialleic in a vcf file ?
That's an MNV - a multi-nucleotide variant, possible an InDel. A Multialleleic site is where at 1 locus (chr+pos), you see multiple ALT alleles. VCF displays multiple alleles using a
to separate the alleles. From GATK's forum, here's an example:See the
in the ALT field? This means that at that locus (chr19:38875072
), the caller sees 3 bases: the REF (G
) and 2 ALTs:A