Hi all, I know this question has been asked previously, however I still cannot solve my problem.
I have obtained both gtf and corresponding fasta files from Pseudomonas aeruginosa database.
However the StringTie cannot be run and ends with this error message:"WARNING: no reference transcripts were found for the genomic sequences where reads were mapped! Please make sure the -G annotation file uses the same naming convention for the genome sequences."
The header of the fasta and GTF files is as follow:
chromosome PseudoCAP CDS 483 2027 . + 0 gene_id "PA14_00010"; transcript_id "1650836"; locus_tag "PA14_00010"; name "dnaA ,chromosomal replication initiation protein"; replicon_xref "NC_008463" chromosome PseudoCAP CDS 2056 3159 . + 0 gene_id "PA14_00020"; transcript_id "1650838"; locus_tag "PA14_00020"; name "dnaN ,DNA polymerase III subunit beta"; replicon_xref "NC_008463"
I will appreciate any help in advance
Nazanin Hosseinkhan
If you are experiencing command line issues, you may be interested in DEWE (http://www.sing-group.org/dewe), a GUI to execute differential expression analyses that also allows you to use StringTie separately. Regards.