Hi! :)
I'm new here and I'm also at my first approaches to Bioinformatics. I found this Perl script and I don't really understand all the passages, in particular in the end. Could someone explain me it, maybe telling me why programmers used these ways to write the script and not others?
I know maybe this is not a real good question but I'd really like to understand this script and I don't know how to do it...
Thank you very much and Ihope you could understand my English!
print "Window length\n";
chomp ($kmer);
print "Minimum quality score cut-off\n";
chomp ($cut_off);
open (MYFILE, ">R.txt");
if (open(FASTQ,$file))
@dna=split ('', $dna);
@qual=split ('', $qual);
foreach $qscore (@qual)
push(@num_value, $num_value);
foreach $value (@num_value)
if ($value<$cut_off){
@qscopy=reverse @num_value;
foreach $value (@qscopy)
if ($value<$cut_off){
for ($i=0;$i<=$#qual-($kmer-1);$i++)
foreach $score (@scores)
if (($sum/$kmer)<$cut_off){
print MYFILE "$header1$sub3\n$header2$sub33\n\n";
print "Error!\n";
close MYFILE;
For Perl, the reasons may vary: stylistic decision, personal preference, performance, ease of understand, or just because you can. One of Perl mottos is There's more than one way to do it.
I wonder the same. Why didn't they use Python? < /just kidding >