Unstranded kit does not distinguish reads strand in RNA-Seq library. If a particular read can be aligned to one transcript on one strand and to another transcript on another strand, How does aligner, such as STAR, handle this. Does aligner aligns the read to both transcript? Thanks
Are you aligning to the genome or to the transcriptome? Reads aligning equally well to multiple locations will most typically be aligned multiple times (multi mapping reads). Most commonly, read counting afterwards will ignore these reads.
But I'm not sure if that scenario applies to your question. It seems you have a single genomic location in mind, with two transcripts in the opposite direction. Right?
I am aligning to genome, say using STAR. For a specific genomic location, if it is unstranded library, I may got both 'ACACAA' and 'TGTGTT'. The sequence of very location on reference genome is 'TCTGTT'. In this case, aligner still align both read to the reference, just different strand, right? Like what igor said below.