Hi, I would like to obtain an excel file with normalized expression of rna (from rna-seq data) of all cases of one project (Paraganglioma) of TCGA (gdc now). I open the files with excel directly and the values of each transcript are strange, I think that I am doing something wrong.
I am new in Bioinformatics so I would apreciate simple answers. I learn fast.
Thank you very much.
Ok, I could use R to process the data but I need export the RNA levels in a simplified format, like excel. I can learn R but other people in the laboratory needs something easier.
Thank you!
and with simplified format you mean .xls I assume?
Can't think of a more simplified format than eg tab-delineated or csv ;-)
Oh, some people struggle with a tab delimited file too. The struggles of a bioinformatician in a wet lab group...