I've got my a dataset of single cells that were sequenced and generated the associated count files etc.
Up until know i've been using the Seurat package in R that is amazing at clustering cells itself (unsupervised), and it will then give you the genes differentially expressed between clusters A vs B etc.
One question I have though and can't find the solution is how to do "supervised" clustering (??) Basically I've got these cells that are for example Pax3+/CD146+ and these other cells that are Pax3+/CD146-. And these cells using the tSNE plot I can see fall in different clusters when I do conventional clustering (together with other unrelated cells). Does anyone know of a way that I can cluster all of the cells I want together in two different clusters (Pax3+ / CD146- & +) and then run differential expression testing (or even just get the gene lists) of those?
Thank you for clarifying the terminology. Sometimes having the correct term can save hours of random searching!