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7.0 years ago
need help? , my problem is that i have fastq file with size 50 Gigabyte i cannot read it using R because my ram is 8 giga, so i want to read specific size from it and make it as stream to read x size until i finish operation on all the 50 giga !
You could split the original file into smaller chunks.
how i do that using R !? is there function to do that ?
You could use
from BBMap suite to break the files into smaller chunks. reformat.sh will work on Windows/Unix as long as you have Java installed. Look at the "sampling" options in in-line help for reformat.sh.Not sure why your question is about R and you also tag Python but in Python you could just iterate over the file without loading it into memory first. I don't know about R though.
i also tagged python to know how to do that in case of i did not found that by R, so is there link to do that by python?
I assume you have no Python experience? If you have, the Biopython tutorial and cookbook would be worth going through.