Hi all,
I de novo assembled two microbial strains of the same species into four contigs each. I assume they will be very similar in sequence, but I would like to know if there are SNPs or Indels.
I tried both mummer and Last to align the two genomes and I was able to generate dot plots, but they are mostly useful to give me an overview of the alignment.
I tried loading the maf file that Last produced into Geneious, but that did not work. Converting the MAF file to VCF (which Geneious would be able to open) also doesn't seem trivial.
Can you recommend a tool that lets me visualize differences on a SNP/Indel level?
Any suggestions are appreciated!
I have tried Mauve and I agree, the scrolling is not great.
What kind of mapper would you recommend for calling SNPs, given that I have long contigs, not short Illumina reads?
Did you use long reads (PacBio or Nanopore) to assemble?
Yes, I have two de novo assemblies from long read data.
I actually also have Illumina data (I used it to error-correct the assemblies) but my main question here is what kind of differences exist between the two assemblies.