I am using the ‘extract’ program in glimmer to extract sequences for predicted genes. For some reason I keep getting an error with my grep step and cannot figure out why. My command is as follows:
extract -2 assem31.fa glm_assem31.predict | grep -v X > glm_assem31.predict.seq
And I get the following error message:
ERROR: Skipped following coord line
I've also tried piping the grep command as follows:
extract -2 assem31.fa glm_assem31.predict | 'grep -v X' > glm_assem31.predict.seq
And now get an additional error message:
ERROR: Skipped following coord line
grep -v X: command not found
Does anyone see something wrong with my grep option? I do create my output file but noting is in it (0 kb).
Thanks - I did email the POC listed in the users manual so maybe he'll have some insight on what is going wrong.