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6.8 years ago
Assa Yeroslaviz
Has anyone ever worked with the CNCI tool from www-bioinfo-org (github).
Iam trying to analyse my lncRNA data set with a self-made lncRNA-gtf file. but I get the following error when running the compare.py:
$python /local/Assa/software/CNCI/compare.py -c ~/genomes/Caenorhabditis_elegans/Ensembl/WBcel235.2017/Cel.WBcel235.gtf -n Cel_NONCODEv5_lncRNA.gtf.mod.txt -i merge_outdir/merged.gtf -o cnci_out
Classification start:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/local/Assa/software/CNCI/compare.py", line 187, in <module>
combined_gtf_input, cuffcompare_outdir)
File "/local/Assa/software/CNCI/compare.py", line 114, in fetch_gtfs
File "/local/Assa/software/CNCI/compare.py", line 107, in erase_strand
File "/local/Assa/software/CNCI/Table.py", line 451, in update_col
IndexError: list assignment index out of range
At first I thought that this is because the chromosome names are not identical in the two files, but this is not the case.
head Cel_NONCODEv5_lncRNA.gtf.mod.txt
I cufflinks transcript 630008 630221 0 - . gene_id "NONCELG000005.2"; transcript_id "NONCELT000029.2";FKPM "0" exon_number1;
I cufflinks exon 630008 630221 0 - . gene_id "NONCELG000005.2"; transcript_id "NONCELT000029.2";FKPM "0" exon_number1;
I cufflinks transcript 3122013 3127663 0 + . gene_id "NONCELG000034.2"; transcript_id "NONCELT000194.2";FKPM "0" exon_number1;
I cufflinks exon 3122013 3127663 0 + . gene_id "NONCELG000034.2"; transcript_id "NONCELT000194.2";FKPM "0" exon_number1;
head ~/genomes/Caenorhabditis_elegans/Ensembl/WBcel235.2017/Cel.WBcel235.gtf
#!genome-build WBcel235
#!genome-version WBcel235
#!genome-date 2012-12
#!genome-build-accession NCBI:GCA_000002985.3
#!genebuild-last-updated 2014-10
V WormBase gene 180 329 . + . gene_id "WBGene00197333"; gene_name "cTel3X.2"; gene_source "WormBase"; gene_biotype "ncRNA";
V WormBase transcript 180 329 . + . gene_id "WBGene00197333"; transcript_id "cTel3X.2"; gene_name "cTel3X.2"; gene_source "WormBase"; gene_biotype "ncRNA"; transcript_name "cTel3X.2"; transcript_source "WormBase"; transcript_biotype "ncRNA";
V WormBase exon 180 329 . + . gene_id "WBGene00197333"; transcript_id "cTel3X.2"; exon_number "1"; gene_name "cTel3X.2"; gene_source "WormBase"; gene_biotype "ncRNA"; transcript_name "cTel3X.2"; transcript_source "WormBase"; transcript_biotype "ncRNA"; exon_id "cTel3X.2.e1";
If someone has encountered this problem, I would appreciate some hints about the case.
thanks Assa
Hi I have the same problem as you. I download gene annotation and lnRNA annotation gft files from GENECODE. I have also a transcript.gft file as the output file of cufflinks. I got the same error when using compare.py. Could you please help me to solve the problem. Thank you in advance