Just to introduce the context: I clustered protein structures given annotated function and architectures (structural domains along the sequence) and now I want to perform a MSA for each cluster trying to highlight emergent relations at sequence level.
I'm trying different softwares (mafft, clustal omega, muscle, etc) from the command line and I'm exploring their available options.
Testing clustal omega (v1.2.1), I found the option: --posterior-out=<file> Posterior probability output file
that's listed in the command line --help
but not in the README file (http://www.clustal.org/omega/README) that's probably referred to an older version of the tool given the presence of old commands that are not supported anymore.
the output file obtained using the above mentioned option is composed by 7 columns as follow:
1.i 2.name 3.L1 4.L2 5.sum 6.sum/L1 7.HH
0 3VPG:A|PDBID|CHAIN|SEQUENCE 310 377 304.243683 0.981431 262.894775
1 1T2D:A|PDBID|CHAIN|SEQUENCE 322 377 307.759918 0.955776 252.773529
(These are the first columns of the output file resulting from one of my tests)
I don't know what columns 5,6,7 represent.
Reading the article about Clustal Omega (doi:10.1038/msb.2011.75) and the one about the alignment engine (HHalign) used by Clustal Omega (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bti125) I didn't find information about this output.
I think that the column n5.sum represents the Log-sum-odd-score discussed in the HHalign article while I have no idea about the meaning of column n7.HH.
Anyone can help me?
Thanks in advance!