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6.9 years ago
Hello All,
I wish to incorporate a workflow image (like Galaxy workflow) for my multi-step R/shiny application. Basically, I wish to provide the user with the exact input or parameters that were used at each step in forms of a flowchart output.
What could be a potential solution to achieve this? I heard tensor flow could be an option. My cursory research tells me that although it is meant for machine learning algorithms, it can be used for other non-machine language areas.
Could anybody suggest any alternative ways to achieve this?
So you want to make a flowchart?
Yes and within a shiny application.
I quite like DiagrammeR
I second DiagrammeR. Its my new favorite plotting package.
Thanks! Yes, I came across that package, thanks for your advice. I 'll try using that.
Is it possible to build a flowchart using a generic app like draw.io and then embed that within Shiny?
Playing within R would be handy so we could customize based on the number of steps the user decides to perform. Thanks for your input.