I'm guessing you're after germline CNV callers since you've mentioned CNVnator. I've included some suggestions below for read-depth based callers including ExomeDepth which is the one I've used the most (reasonably easy to use since it's an R package). I'd have a look at Ximmer if you're interested in comparing CNV callers since it provides a standardised framework for comparing callers out of the box.
I guess you could try Read-depth callers, callers that look for breakpoints, or split-read (although these are more for WGS than targeted / Exomes), callers that look for missing / moved mate-pairs, or read-pair. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4394692/
There's also assembly based callers and callers that use a combination of the above techniques.
The approach you use will also depend on the library and the size of CNV you're looking for.
Generally I've only compared CNV callers after a pipeline that uses BWA for alignment and then GATK best practices, since a couple of the callers actually use parts of the GATK suite (like XHMM). Some CNV callers like CANVAS (https://github.com/Illumina/canvas) are optimised for their own workflow (in this case ISAAC).
Read-Depth based callers
BCFTools https://samtools.github.io/bcftools/howtos/cnv-calling.html
CoNIFER http://conifer.sourceforge.net/
ExomeDepth https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ExomeDepth/index.html
XHMM http://atgu.mgh.harvard.edu/xhmm/tutorial.shtml
XHMM used by ExAC to call their CNVs
ULYSSES https://github.com/gillet/ulysses
Breakdancer https://github.com/genome/breakdancer
Pindel https://github.com/genome/pindel
Ximmer https://github.com/ssadedin/ximmer
Framework for running mulitple CNV callers together and calculating sensitivity etc. Comes with ExomeDepth, Xhmm, Cnmops and Conifer
GATK4 germline CNV caller https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/best-practices/workflow?id=11148
Not sure if this is available yet but should be ready soon - ideal if you want a full GATK best practice pipeline
Mainly used ExomeDepth on Targeted panels and found it okay with some tweaks and heavy filtering for false positives.
Hi, I am doing very similar project - to compare algorithms to detect CNVs. For my best practice I am using BWA aligner. For detection CNV I have good results from -
oncoCNV, CNVkit, Pindel
.. I did not played withCNVnator
- if you can share your experiences everybody would appreciate.