I have different cell type total of 5 ,im doing a pairwise comparison, I would like to show the correlation in pairwise condition between the genes. I want to plot how these certain genes are expressed. So would be be suffice to show simple correlation based calculation or i have to do something else.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Also have a look at the corrplot package https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/corrplot/vignettes/corrplot-intro.html
I use corrplot often but my question was would it be enough to make a correlation to show which genes are coexpreseed or i have to go for WGCNA kind of thing ?
Your question could be better phrased. For finding co-expressed genes, I think you should go for PCIT, WGCNA or some similar method.
sorry for my confusing words but thats what i wanted to ask