I am using HMMcopy to generate copy number alterations for my samples.
I am trying to create mm9 or mm10 mappability wiggle file from mouse bigwig file.
I found the below mappability files from this article "Mappability of the mouse and human genomes and methylomes with Umap and Bismap"
I am also generating the bigwig file using HMMcopy generateMap.pl). Meanwhile I want to use the available mappability files.
What are the factors to be considered while creating mappability wig file?
Which one do I need to consider, single-read or multi-read mappability bigwig file?
Which of the kmer should I use among 24, 36, 50 and 100?
Umap: Unique mappability of the genome
Description These tracks indicate regions with uniquely mappable reads of particular lengths.
Umap single-read mappability
Umap S24: Uniquely mappable regions with a read length of 24 nucleotides
Umap S36: Uniquely mappable regions with a read length of 36 nucleotides
Umap S50: Uniquely mappable regions with a read length of 50 nucleotides
Umap S100: Uniquely mappable regions with a read length of 100 nucleotides
Umap multi-read mappability
Umap M24: Multi-read mappability with a read length of 24 nucleotides
Umap M36: Multi-read mappability with a read length of 36 nucleotides
Umap M50: Multi-read mappability with a read length of 50 nucleotides
Umap M100: Multi-read mappability with a read length of 100 nucleotides
You can use these tracks for many purposes including filtering unreliable signal from next generation sequencing assays.
Umap single-read mappability track marks any region of the genome that is uniquely mappable by at least 1 k-mer. To calculate the single-read mappability, you must find the overlap of a given region with this track. Umap multi-read mappability track represents the probability that a randomly selected k-mer which overlaps with a given position is uniquely mappable.
For greater detail and explanatory diagrams, see the preprint, the Umap and Bismap project website , or the Umap and Bismap software documentation.
Track format Single-read mappability tracks: bigBed 6-column format
Multi-read mappability tracks: bigWig