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6.9 years ago
Does anbody knows why the Kobas web server (http://kobas.cbi.pku.edu.cn) is down?
Does anbody knows why the Kobas web server (http://kobas.cbi.pku.edu.cn) is down?
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Yes, I noticed this problem either. It seems that this has last for several days. Maybe you can write an email to the maintainer of the tool to inquiry the reason.
Looks like this issue is happening again... any tips from last time? I would assume they know and are working on it.
take some one's help and try to install kobas from github repo: https://github.com/xmao/kobas and installation instructions are in docs (https://github.com/xmao/kobas/tree/master/docs).
Use any of the galaxy public servers. Galaxy hosts kobas (https://usegalaxy.eu/?tool_id=toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu%2Frepos%2Fiuc%2Fkobas%2Fkobas_annotate%2F0.4&version=0.4&__identifer=p7fefnkdiq)