Hello everyone,
I have written a pipeline that takes count data and calculates tissue specificity. I am planning to make an R-package from this and go for publication. Before I begin packaging and writing drafts, I am doing my literature review and also looking to see if someone has created a package with this function already. Is anyone aware of another package/program that calculates tissue specificity? I certainly couldn't find one - maybe someone else has. Any pointers or advice would be a big help.
Edit: So far:
1) scMCA - works with single cell RNA-seq data
2) Cellmix - works with mircroarray data - is it appropriate to use this for RNA-seq? or on mixed microarray/RNA-seq data? not sure
Just saw this publication which includes a new R package called scMCA to do cell type identification.
Thanks genomax - I'll be looking in to this, however it appears to be for single cell data - i'm guessing (hoping) it wont be able to handle the heterogeneity of non-sc RNA-seq
Do you have experience of using scMCA or CellMix? advantages/dsadvantages etc.