I was analyzing TCGA RNA Seq data and I created a file containing the patient ID, molecular subtype, and the rpkm for each gene, which looks like this -
sample subtype A1BG KAT5 KRT5
Although when I prepared the file, I missed out on the headers of sample and subtype, and therefore the file looks like this -
patient1 LumA A1BG KAT5 KRT5
patient2 LumA 0.000358 1.02035 0.010204566
The problem is that the rpkm mentioned below each gene in the example are meant for patient1.
Is there any way for me to add two cells to the existing file, where I can mention [1,1] = sample and [1,2] = subtype?
Thanks in advance.
Have you got to do this multiple times? If not it would be easy enough to convert it to a TSV/CSV and just manually add in a couple of blanks
That's what I did due to the urgency, but I only need to add the first two strings (sample and subtype)