I am looking for the fastest python code to extract only reads from fastq file and store it in new file.
I am looking for the fastest python code to extract only reads from fastq file and store it in new file.
from Bio import SeqIO
$ python -c "import subprocess; subprocess.check_call(\"awk '{ if (NR%4==1) { print \\\">\\\"\$0; } else if (NR%4==2) { print \$0; } }' source.fq > destination.fa\", shell=True)"
#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
subprocess.check_call("awk '{ if (NR%4==1) { print \">\"$0; } else if (NR%4==2) { print $0; } }' source.fq > destination.fa", shell=True)
this is a general code snippet to copy files, what you are asking for... but quite useless in my opinion.
with open("myfile.fastq") as infile, open("myoutput.fastq", 'w') as output:
for line in infile:
As you are looking for fastq to fasta, I think t is a duplicated question here
If you want to learn some python you may try:
import sys
filename = sys.argv[1]
with open(filename, "r") as infile:
line_ct = 0
for line in infile:
if (line_ct % 4 == 0):
print(">" + line[1:], end="")
line_ct = 0
if (line_ct == 1):
print(line, end = "")
line_ct += 1
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What do you want to do?
as a beginner of python, i just need to learn how to do it.
You just want to copy all reads to a new file?
yes i want to copy all reads to a new file
Do you mean fastq to fasta?
yes fastq to fasta.....
Well, you better be a more precise next time when asking questions.