Can someone recommend a simple structure viewer that can be easily called from the command line (like e.g. rasmol) for viewing pdb files stored in the current directory:
$ rasmol 1ubq.pdb
We work a lot from the command line and have a rather complicated directory hierarchy with some locally stored pdb files. I am aware of several good structure viewers running under X11, but they don't support the concept of a unix-style 'current directory' but open a 'load menu' instead that requires the user to nagivate through the directory hierarchy. Rasmol is one possibility, but I would prefer to have a viewer that also offers a 'sequence window' in addition to the structure display.
I should add that we are working behind a pretty restrictive firewall, so programs that require loading stuff from the net will not work.
Isn't PyMol lightweight enough for you?
can you see behind your firewall ?
Yes, HTTP via port 80 is permitted. The problem isn't really that the firewall is so restrictive. The main problem is that it requires authentification, which is ok in a browser but most other programs don't cope with that.
The last time I checked PyMol was free only for users at non-profit sites. Maybe this has changed? I will have a look.
Ok, that may be a problem. But I think that PyMol is free even for corporate organizations as long as you get it from svn and compile yourself, which is not difficult...
Ok, I have checked it and there seems to be a version that is free for everyone. It comes as a 41MB tarball (lightweigth enough) and requires me to install python and a lot of other packages (including the -dev pacakages, which I first forgot to do). In the end, the compilation crashes with an 'internal compiler error':
layer1/Scene.c:4565:11: internal compiler error: in set_jump_prob, at stmt.c:2319
Since I did not intend to learn python or C, I will have to wait for other suggestions :-(