I ran BCBio's variant2 pipeline on 10 input (sorted) bams (via a slightly modified gatk-variant.yaml config file) and am trying to obtain a combined callable regions file across all of the samples. So far, I have several BED files generated per sample, but at what point will the globally shared callable regions BED file be generated?
I see that there's a function called combine_sample_regions(*samples)
in callable.py
- is this where the globally shared callable regions file gets produced? If so, at what point in the pipeline does it get implemented or what YAML config details do I need to add for it to occur?
yaml config file:
- analysis: variant2
genome_build: hg38
# to do multi-sample variant calling, assign samples the same metadata / batch
# metadata:
# batch: your-arbitrary-batch-name
aligner: false
bam_clean: fixrg
mark_duplicates: true
recalibrate: false
variantcaller: false
nomap_split_size: 250 #this is the default number of unmapped base pairs
nomap_split_targets: 200 #this is the default number of target intervals
# for targetted projects, set the region
# variant_regions: /path/to/your.bed