I have 15 folders and each folder contained a *.gz file. I would like to use trimmomatics for filtering all the files. For this I would like to write something that can open that folder and read the that specific file and then do the filtering as specified in the code and finally save the results within the same folder with different file extension. What I did is(PBS Script):
#PBS -N Trimmomatics_filtering
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8
#PBS -l walltime=04:00:00
#PBS -l vmem=23gb
#PBS -q ext_chem_guest
# Go to the Trimmomatics directory
cd /home/tb44227/bioinfo_packages/Trimmomatic/Trimmomatic-0.36
# Java module load
module load java/1.8.0-162
# Input File (I have a list of 15 folders and each contained fastq.gz file)
inputFile= for f in /home/tb44227/nobackup/small_RNAseq_260917/support.igatech.it/sequences-export/536-RNA-seq_Disco_TuDO/delivery_25092017/754_{1..15}/*fastq.gz; $f
# Start the code to filter the file and save the results in the same folder where the input file is
java -jar trimmomatic-0.36.jar SE -threads ${PBS_NUM_PPN} -phred33 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:5 LEADING:5 TRAILING:5 MINLEN:17 $inputFile $outputFile
# Output File
My question is How could I define $inputFile and $outputfile so that it can read for all the 15 files. I tried this but it seems that imput and output definition are not correct.
Can you show us your file structure? I'm not sure I fully understand.
Are you saying you want to run the java command for every file in multiple directories, and have the output go back in to the directory the input file came from?
It's normal fastq file tb44227@lido-gw02:~/nobackup/small_RNAseq_260917/support.igatech.it/sequences-export/536-RNA-seq_Disco_TuDO/delivery_25092017/754_1>zcat 754_1_ATCACG_L006_R1_001.fastq.gz | head
Yes I would like to run jave over all the files in different directories. JAVA is running on individual file. It means theere is some Problem of defining/Looping over the Input files.
Well one of the obivous issues with your code, is that you don't define your output file until after the java command.