Dear all,
I'm trying to investigate how Beagle works when phasing with a reference panel and without a reference panel. I've got phased data of unrelated individuals that contain missing markers from these two commands (I'm using Beagle 3.3):
1) The first one goes with a reference panel.
java -Xmx444m -jar beagle.jar markers=./hapmap.markers phased=./hapmap.phased.bgl unphased=./hapmap.unphased.bgl missing=? out=./output
Phased data:
M rs12133813 G A G G
M rs7529536 G G G G
M rs3820577 G G G A
2) The second one goes without a reference panel.
java -Xmx444m -jar beagle.jar markers=./hapmap.markers unphased=./hapmap.unphased.bgl missing=? out=./output
Phased data:
M rs12133813 A G G G
M rs7529536 G G G G
M rs3820577 G G A G
I would like to ask you all what makes the results of two experiments different? Please give me some suggestions.
Thank you.
Did you read the manual? - do you understand the concept of phasing in relation to genotypes?