I have a VCF file and I am looking to apply the GenVisR Bioconductor package, so I can create a waterfall plot.
I read the documentation and was not sure if it will accept VCF file format, or whether I need to convert the VCF into MAF or MGI .
Any pointers on how to get this package working on VCF file will be helpful
Thanks, K
you should be able to read in your maf file right into R with read.delim() (if your maf also has the secondary header giving the maf version remove that). From there you should be able to just rename the appropriate columns of the data frame to conform with the "custom" fileType
Hey Krithika.gu, How did you convert the VCF to MAF? I've been trying to do it with vcf2maf.pl without much luck but maybe you have a better way to do it. I to have been trying to use GeneVisR.
Thank you!
Hey, I tried to use all these packages, I was able to convert VCF to MAF using https://github.com/mskcc/vcf2maf, but they did not give me the right answer. From my understanding, these packages work well only if you have a smaller filtered VCF file of somatic mutations. If you use the original VCF, these packages will not work well.