I have been using the suggested mpileup based pipeline for variant detection here.
The vcfutils.pl varFilter step does useful things for filtering the summary VCF, including the minimum and maximum number of reads that should be present. However, can anyone explain the -Q flag, other than the one line explanation included in the man page?
Usage: vcfutils.pl varFilter [options] <in.vcf>
Options: -Q INT minimum RMS mapping quality for SNPs [10]
Is this a way of filtering SNP/indel quality?
For example in the old pileup based method here the following was suggest for SNP filtering (or >=50 for INDELS).
samtools.pl varFilter raw.pileup | awk '$6>=20' > final.pileup
Also, the -Q flag the same as the value that can be specified in seqtk (qual_thres)?
Usage: seqtk fq2fa <in.fq> [qual_thres]
Thank you!
I can't explain the parameter to you but I am currently experimenting with these filters also. I cannot get the -Q flag to filter anything, regardless of the value I set. I also found that I had to manually specify a zero value for most of the command line parameters as the default settings were filtering out ALL of my variants. Any input on this would be very useful!
I can't explain the parameter to you but I am currently experimenting with varFilter also. I found that I had to manually specify a zero value for most of the command line parameters as the default settings were filtering out ALL of my variants. Any input on this would be very useful!
Somewhere there is a distinction between consensus sequence quality and SNP quality, but i just cannot tell how it relates to my examples.
Hopefully someone will have an answer - it would be good to know how to apply basic score-based filtering with vcftools for SNPs/Indels.