I am relatively new to bioinformatics and coding. Looking the DiscoSnp's supplementary data, the commands seem pretty straight forward; however, I just can't seem to wrap my head around the command where the fof.txt was created. For the experiment in the DIscoSnp++ paper, the command was
for((j=0;j<i;j++)); do echo coli_muted_n_30_genome_${j}_reads.fasta > fof.txt; done.
I am working with RAD-seq data and would like some advice on this. I appreciate any help and advice!
This code comes from the supp mat of the original paper where we explained how experiments were conducted.
discoSnp (discoSnpRad or discoSnp++) takes as input read files organized in file of files. The idea (described in the documentation) is that a fof contains a list of read files.
The command above is a simple bash for loop, that creates automatically a fof file containing indeed all .fasta of n coli individuals.
More generally, the fof files enable to deal with pair end files, to virtually concatenate read sets, ... Have a look to the documentation.